The Exploration Division is a critical division within the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), responsible for monitoring and regulating the exploration activities of the petroleum resources in Nigeria. The Division’s primary objective is to ensure the sustainable exploration and development of Nigeria’s oil and gas resources for the purpose of growing its reserves and increasing production.

Key responsibilities of the Exploration Division include:

  • Approvals: Issuing permits and approval for geophysical data acquisition for exploration in compliance with extant laws and regulations.
  • Approvals: Issuing permits and approval for geotechnical and geo-hazard operations in compliance with extant laws and regulations.
  • Approvals: Issuing permits and approval for exploratory field nomenclaturel naming and well classification in line with extant guidelines and in compliance with extant laws and regulations.
  • Approvals: Issuing permits and approvals for core acquisition, fluid acquisition, and subsurface data acquisition for all Exploratory wells.
  • Approvals: Issuing Permits and approvals for core export, fluid export and all data export for Exploratory wells.
  • Approvals: Issuing permits and approvals for core analysis, fluid analysis.
  • Drilling Proposals: Process and issue approvals to drill exploration, 1st appraisal and 2nd appraisal well.
  • Exploration Monitoring: Overseeing seismic surveys, drilling operations, and other exploration activities to ensure safety, environmental compliance, and optimal resource recovery.
  • Prospect evaluation: Maturing leads and prospects to grow reserves and production.
  • Data Management: Collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data on exploration activities, reserves, and production forinfoiined policy decisions and industry stakeholders. Also receive and transmit seismic, well and log data ‘to NOR for achieving.
  • Policy Development: Contributing to the development of policies, regulations, and guidelines governing exploration and production activities in Nigeria.
  • Collaboration: Working with other NUPRC divisions, government agencies, and industry stakeholders to ensure a coordinated approach to petroleum resource management.
  • Research Materials: Facilitate sourcing of research data from academic institutions for students from oil and gas operators
  • Frontier Exploration: Develop exploration strategies, regulate, and monitor exploration of frontier basins in line with the PIA 2021 provisions.

By effectively carrying out these responsibilities, the Exploration Division plays a vital role in promoting the sustainable development of Nigeria’s oil and gas resources, while also supporting the country’s economic growth and environmental protection goals.


The Acreage Management Division’s overarching objective is to effectively administer Nigeria’s oil and gas concessions in accordance with the Petroleum Act, Petroleum Industry Act, Regulations, Guidelines, and Best Practices.

The Division consists of Acreage Administration and Basinal Administration, with the following key responsibilities:

  • Maintain a comprehensive database of oil and gas concessions for use by government agencies, investors, and industry stakeholders.
  • Evaluate hydrocarbon potential in sedimentary basins and recommend blocks for licensing rounds.
  • Conduct licensing rounds and assign open blocks to boost oil and gas production.
  • Process and recommend applications for license/lease allocations, assignments of interest, renewals, conversions, extensions, and relinquishments. Categories of licenses/leases under this purview include Oil Prospecting Licenses (OPLs), Oil Mining Leases (OMLs), Petroleum Prospecting Licenses (PPLs) and Petroleum Mining Licenses (PMLS).
  • Evaluate license/lease performance relative to award terms and provide feedback on performance rating. Efforts include sharing best practices with license/lease holders to achieve enhanced performance.
  • Make recommendations to revoke non-performing fields/concessions.
  • Collaborate with Multi-Client Data companies to conduct speculative surveys and provide data to investors and industry stakeholders.
  • Compile crude oil and gas production figures on state/field levels and transmit them to the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC).
  • Provide Mapping and Geographic Information System (GlS) services for oil and gas concession maps.